Student Conduct
Even though the Transitions Learning Center is an alternative school, and most of our students are placed with us due to student disciplinary hearings or waivers, the discipline referrals are very low. We attribute this to our faculty and staff. They provide help and an environment that ensures positive behaviors.
Student Handbook
Education is a vital part of the American democratic commitment. The mastery of basic skills, the development of the ability to reason, and character development must be fundamental components of the educational process in America's schools. Just as essential as these components is the advancement of the value of living in a free-enterprise system. The goal of education in America is to produce individuals who are knowledgeable and can make decisions for themselves as free members of a democratic society.
Access an online version of the Bulloch County Schools Handbook . The Student Handbook includes a Parent Guardian and Student Notices & Affirmation Form that should be signed by the student and the parent or guardian each year as part of either the student registration process or the annual update of student information done online through Campus Parent. A printable version of the form is also available online via the provided link. A signed form provided to the school acknowledges access to the Student Handbook and your agreement to comply with the policies of the school district.