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Options for Student Parents

A small percentage of our students are single parents, who have to be absent due to childcare issues. Having the ability to work from home, learn at his/her pace, or accelerate learning allows a student to stay on track to receive a high school diploma. The learn-at-home feature also allows the student's parents to see how rigorous the curriculum is and what their child is doing in school.  

Graduation Performance Academy

Another non-traditional school option for students who need a night school alternative is Bulloch County Schools' Graduation Performance Academy. It is open Monday through Thursday, from 4:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.  Interested students should meet with their high school counselors to develop a plan for what credits need to be completed. After receiving parent or guardian permission, students can attend.  The Graduation Performance Academy features a graduation specialist, credit recovery opportunities, accelerated learning opportunities, certified teachers in each academic content area, goal setting and progress checks, and free meals for attendees